Roger Johansson
2007-03-14 00:09:14 UTC
On Mar 13, 10:42 pm, BrunoR <***> wrote:
It could have been 10 times longer, covering more countries, and it
could have included other main factors behind many historical events.
They say in this movie that this is not the only factor behind
historical events, but a very important side of what has happened in
world history, and I agree.
Do you think killing a hundred million human beings during the 20th
century alone, is something some really good people would have done?
Which populations are you thinking about?
I don't think you have actually seen the movie, because it mentions no
population which has gained more than it has lost from the
manipulations of these "money masters".
You don't have to be especially gifted to play an economic game, you
just need to know how it works.
Watch the movie and you will understand how it works too.
To understand the world history you need to have watched this movie.
In addition to that information you need to understand the role of
religion, real practical religion, not the ideology the religious
people hide behind.
Social traditions, gender roles, bullying, violence, male honor,
manipulative women, etc..
You need to understand that religion was seriously challenged
theoretically around the year 1500, when new ideas like humanism
versus theism, secularism versus religion, democracy versus religious
dictatorship gained strength enough to break the rule of the pope.
Since then we live in the era of enlightenment, spreading these new
ideas and struggling against reactionary ideas which try to stop the
advancement of the new ideas, secularism, equality, democracy, and
individual freedom.
Democracy lead to socialism, when the workers joined the class
struggle with worker's unions, worker's education, and millions of
poor people outvoted a few rich.
The pope saw this as a big problem, because with democracy and
socialism came secularism and individual freedom.
We are still in the process of abolishing religion and the rule of the
Watch this movie, and read my articles in alt.society.futures, and you
will know everything you need to know about the world history, and
what we can do about it.
Roger J.
You think you understand how the money system works?
It is mind-boggling beyond belief - just watch it..
To drive home the point the video should be edited to 1/10 th of its
It could have been 10 times longer, covering more countries, and it
could have included other main factors behind many historical events.
They say in this movie that this is not the only factor behind
historical events, but a very important side of what has happened in
world history, and I agree.
It could be that the 'Money Masters' had their population's *best
interest* at
heart and finally they get blamed for their achievement (in typical
fashion ;-)).
.interest* at
heart and finally they get blamed for their achievement (in typical
fashion ;-)).
Do you think killing a hundred million human beings during the 20th
century alone, is something some really good people would have done?
Which populations are you thinking about?
I don't think you have actually seen the movie, because it mentions no
population which has gained more than it has lost from the
manipulations of these "money masters".
There are always some very gifted persons born into any society. Others
are what they are--they'll never understand even if it is explained to them.
.are what they are--they'll never understand even if it is explained to them.
You don't have to be especially gifted to play an economic game, you
just need to know how it works.
Watch the movie and you will understand how it works too.
To understand the world history you need to have watched this movie.
In addition to that information you need to understand the role of
religion, real practical religion, not the ideology the religious
people hide behind.
Social traditions, gender roles, bullying, violence, male honor,
manipulative women, etc..
You need to understand that religion was seriously challenged
theoretically around the year 1500, when new ideas like humanism
versus theism, secularism versus religion, democracy versus religious
dictatorship gained strength enough to break the rule of the pope.
Since then we live in the era of enlightenment, spreading these new
ideas and struggling against reactionary ideas which try to stop the
advancement of the new ideas, secularism, equality, democracy, and
individual freedom.
Democracy lead to socialism, when the workers joined the class
struggle with worker's unions, worker's education, and millions of
poor people outvoted a few rich.
The pope saw this as a big problem, because with democracy and
socialism came secularism and individual freedom.
We are still in the process of abolishing religion and the rule of the
Watch this movie, and read my articles in alt.society.futures, and you
will know everything you need to know about the world history, and
what we can do about it.
Roger J.